adequate notice

英 [ˈædɪkwət ˈnəʊtɪs] 美 [ˈædɪkwət ˈnoʊtɪs]

充分的通知,适当的通知(亦称due notice)



  1. The basic elements of fairness, embodied in the concept of due process, are assurances that the individual will receive adequate notice and a meaningful opportunity to be heard before an official tribunal makes a decision that may substantially affect her interests.
  2. The debate over the wolves 'influence on the elk is fanning a long-standing argument over the proper way to manage Yellowstone's elk. Thus, adequate notice of the other side's contentions is an essential prerequisite to fair and effective adjudication.
  3. The Contractor shall give adequate written notice to the company of any requests for information or detailed drawings.
  4. If I have adequate notice, I can arrange to be available for travel at almost any time of the year.
  5. In the right to have sufficient time and facilities to prepare his defence, adequate time may be in accordance with the specific circumstances of each case, the meaning of adequate facilities is very broad, including access to files and trial notice etc..